Dee Beasnael is a voice and stage actor, and 2020 Best Actress Nominee for the French Syndicate of
Dee is currently concluding a multi-city European tour in which she explores the life of Nina
Simone and her activism.
Her credits include: “The Securely Conferred, Vouchsafed Keepsakes of Maery S.” Abron Arts Centers;
“In the Solitude of The Cotton Fields” (Skirball Center/ Brooklyn Museum), ”12 shouts to the 10
Forgotten Heavens” (Whitney Museum of Art), “Police and Thieves” (Performance Garage)
Film: “Before the World Set On Fire”, “The Falling World” (BKE Productions)
Voice Over credits include: “Caillou” (Wildbrain Spark/Cartoon Network – French Dub), “Sorghum and
Spear” (Subsume), “Opal Watson Private Eye”, (Pinna Originals); “Kyle’s World”, (Pinna Originals)
Dee currently resides in Brooklyn, New York where she is active in non-profit research and
exploring performance as a healing form of art.