Jonathan Jennings

Joanthan Jennings is a game lover software engineer, and game designer in that order. He’s been playing games since he was 3 years old and now has been in the game industry for 9 years at 31 years old. Jonathan has worked on dozens of game titles and game-adjacent applications for multiple platforms including PC, iOS, Android, Hololens, Magic Leap, Oculus Quest, HTC Vive, Amazon Kindle, Windows phone, and many more. He has developed over 20 published applications and his projects have seen millions of downloads across multiple platforms.

In addition to developing games, he loves to teach and lecture about Game design and has been invited to do lectures/ teach classes at UC Sanata Cruz, Rio Hondo college, The Jamaican Game Developer Society, and the Blacks in Technology conference. Jonathan also has recently begun teaching Game Design and Game Design programming to communities of young hungry tech enthusiasts of color.

Jonathan also is an avid writer publishing articles that have garnered over 2.8million views on Quora( and was a guest author in Tanya Depass’s Game Devs and Others Tales From the Margins ( for his essay Black Unicorn.

Jonathan has also been featured as a guest on several podcasts including Game Dev Loadout , Code Newbie, Nice games Club, Hometeam Game Dev, and Zero To play among others.

You can check out some of Jonathans latest work on Itch io – Sonder ( , and the Oculus App Lab – Galactic Bar Fight ( , as well las some of his past work :

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June 20, 2021
6:00 pm
Nine years ago I parked my car outside of my local library to go look into renting some games, when I got the phone call that changed my life: I was being offered a role at a small mobile game...